December 16, 2014 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - -Call to Order by Chair
-Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
-Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

-Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
-Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - -Deletions to Consent Agenda
-Approval of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda

-Approval of Consent Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda - -Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
-Approval of Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda

-Approval of Regular Agenda
Item A1 - December 2014 Erosion Update
Item A1

Item A2 - Consider Appointment to TDC
Item A2

Item 8 - Consider appointments to the County Canvassing Board for Special Elections.
Item 8

Item 1 - Public Hearing – COMPAMD 2014-01 Stone Creek Landing. This is an adoption hearing
for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, known as Stone Creek Landing. The amendment
proposes to change the future land use from Rural/Silviculture to Residential B for
approximately 33.3 acres to allow up to 48 single family homes. The property is located on
CR 210 W, west of St. Johns Parkway and east of Greenbriar. The Planning and Zoning
Agency recommended approval to adopt COMPAMD 2104-01 by a unanimous vote of 7 to
0 at their November 6, 2014 meeting.
Item 1

for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, known as Stone Creek Landing. The amendment
proposes to change the future land use from Rural/Silviculture to Residential B for
approximately 33.3 acres to allow up to 48 single family homes. The property is located on
CR 210 W, west of St. Johns Parkway and east of Greenbriar. The Planning and Zoning
Agency recommended approval to adopt COMPAMD 2104-01 by a unanimous vote of 7 to
0 at their November 6, 2014 meeting.
Item 2 - Public Hearing – PUD 1014-07 Stone Creek Landing. Request to rezone 33.3 acres from
Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) in order to develop a 44 single family
unit subdivision located on CR 210, west of St. Johns Parkway and east of Greenbriar.
There are no requested waivers. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval
of PUD 2014-07 by a unanimous vote of 7 to 0 at the November 6, 2014 meeting.
Item 2

Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) in order to develop a 44 single family
unit subdivision located on CR 210, west of St. Johns Parkway and east of Greenbriar.
There are no requested waivers. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval
of PUD 2014-07 by a unanimous vote of 7 to 0 at the November 6, 2014 meeting.
Item 3 - RFP 14-90 funding approval & Contract Template to be used to create and execute
final agreements between St. Johns County and nonprofit agencies and
organizations as recommended by the St. Johns County Health and Human Services
Advisory Council. Each year, the County provides funding to non-profit agencies and
organizations that provide health, human or social services to residents of St Johns
County, Florida. The County developed and advertised an RFP that incorporated the
Health and Human Services Advisory Council’s (HHSAC) goals as well as input from the
agencies and County Staff. Nineteen agencies submitted proposals requesting county
funding. The proposals were independently evaluated and ranked by an Evaluation
Committee comprised of County Staff and some members of the HHSAC and community
volunteers. County HHS staff provided to the HHSAC a recommended funding amount in
dollars based on a combination of considerations, including funding requested by the
responding agencies, priorities and practice trends identified by the County and the
community and the ranking.
Item 3

final agreements between St. Johns County and nonprofit agencies and
organizations as recommended by the St. Johns County Health and Human Services
Advisory Council. Each year, the County provides funding to non-profit agencies and
organizations that provide health, human or social services to residents of St Johns
County, Florida. The County developed and advertised an RFP that incorporated the
Health and Human Services Advisory Council’s (HHSAC) goals as well as input from the
agencies and County Staff. Nineteen agencies submitted proposals requesting county
funding. The proposals were independently evaluated and ranked by an Evaluation
Committee comprised of County Staff and some members of the HHSAC and community
volunteers. County HHS staff provided to the HHSAC a recommended funding amount in
dollars based on a combination of considerations, including funding requested by the
responding agencies, priorities and practice trends identified by the County and the
community and the ranking.
Item 4 - Public Hearing – Land Development Code Amendments for Articles II, III, IV, V, VI,
VII, IX, X and XII. This is the first hearing in a three-part series to consider changes to
nine (9) Articles of the Land Development Code. This draft also implements comprehensive
plan amendment proposed changes relating to the scenic and development edges in the
Northwest Sector and Implementation of an Economic Redevelopment Residential Unit
Exchange Program within the Vilano Beach Town Center. This series of changes creates a
Special Use Permit category for Large Places of Assembly and modifies associated uses,
ensures Overlay review for all non-single and two-family development within Overlay
Districts, Tree Bank Fund clarifications, Optional Preliminary Subdivision Plan reviews,
clarification of “Waterfront Yard” boundaries, amendment of PUD phasing, clarification of
signs, and clarification of administration and enforcement of the Land Development Code.
This series also addresses and revises various other sections for clarity and/or flexibility.
Item 4

VII, IX, X and XII. This is the first hearing in a three-part series to consider changes to
nine (9) Articles of the Land Development Code. This draft also implements comprehensive
plan amendment proposed changes relating to the scenic and development edges in the
Northwest Sector and Implementation of an Economic Redevelopment Residential Unit
Exchange Program within the Vilano Beach Town Center. This series of changes creates a
Special Use Permit category for Large Places of Assembly and modifies associated uses,
ensures Overlay review for all non-single and two-family development within Overlay
Districts, Tree Bank Fund clarifications, Optional Preliminary Subdivision Plan reviews,
clarification of “Waterfront Yard” boundaries, amendment of PUD phasing, clarification of
signs, and clarification of administration and enforcement of the Land Development Code.
This series also addresses and revises various other sections for clarity and/or flexibility.
Item 5 - Public Hearing – NZVAR 2013-07 411 N. Roscoe Blvd. Parcel A. This is a request for a
Non-Zoning Variance to Section 6.04.07.B.2 (a – b), which outlines the requirements for
Easements which may be allowed for access to up to two (2) residential Dwelling Units.
The applicant is requesting a non-zoning variance to Sections 6.04.07.B.2 (a – b) which
requires certain construction standards for the use of easements to serve single family
lots. (The entire Code citation is included as Attachment 4 of this report.) Although a 30’
easement was recorded in 2000 in compliance with the code, it encroaches significantly
over the structure on Parcel A, and as such creates an exception to a title search as
depicted on the survey. In addition, the driveway does not meet the 20’ minimum width
requirement for the stabilized surface as required in the Land Development Code. The
current concrete driveway is 10 feet in width and extends from Roscoe Boulevard all along
the southern property line of both parcels.
Item 5

Non-Zoning Variance to Section 6.04.07.B.2 (a – b), which outlines the requirements for
Easements which may be allowed for access to up to two (2) residential Dwelling Units.
The applicant is requesting a non-zoning variance to Sections 6.04.07.B.2 (a – b) which
requires certain construction standards for the use of easements to serve single family
lots. (The entire Code citation is included as Attachment 4 of this report.) Although a 30’
easement was recorded in 2000 in compliance with the code, it encroaches significantly
over the structure on Parcel A, and as such creates an exception to a title search as
depicted on the survey. In addition, the driveway does not meet the 20’ minimum width
requirement for the stabilized surface as required in the Land Development Code. The
current concrete driveway is 10 feet in width and extends from Roscoe Boulevard all along
the southern property line of both parcels.
Item 9 - Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a renewal contract between St.
Johns County Visitors & Convention Bureau and St. Johns County Board of
Commissioners. On February 2, 2010, the County entered into an agreement with the St.
Johns County Visitors & Convention Bureau (VCB) to provide professional advertising,
marketing and promotional services aimed at attracting tourists and convention activity to
the St. Johns County, Florida geographic area. The current agreement was extended for a
period of 90 days to include some changes at the request of the Visitors and Convention
Bureau. The extension will expire on December 16, 2014. The County and the VCB
mutually seek to continue such services, subject to the amended terms and conditions
contained in the proposed Renewal Agreement. The Tourist Development Council reviewed
and considered the proposed Renewal Agreement at its regular meeting on August 18,
2014, and recommended consideration by the Board of County Commissioners for final
approval. The County has determined that such advertising, marketing and promotional
services by the VCB is a proper public purpose and is in the best interests of the citizens
of St. Johns County.
Item 9

Johns County Visitors & Convention Bureau and St. Johns County Board of
Commissioners. On February 2, 2010, the County entered into an agreement with the St.
Johns County Visitors & Convention Bureau (VCB) to provide professional advertising,
marketing and promotional services aimed at attracting tourists and convention activity to
the St. Johns County, Florida geographic area. The current agreement was extended for a
period of 90 days to include some changes at the request of the Visitors and Convention
Bureau. The extension will expire on December 16, 2014. The County and the VCB
mutually seek to continue such services, subject to the amended terms and conditions
contained in the proposed Renewal Agreement. The Tourist Development Council reviewed
and considered the proposed Renewal Agreement at its regular meeting on August 18,
2014, and recommended consideration by the Board of County Commissioners for final
approval. The County has determined that such advertising, marketing and promotional
services by the VCB is a proper public purpose and is in the best interests of the citizens
of St. Johns County.
Item 10 - St. Johns Law Group, P.A. Economic Development Grant Agreement. St. Johns Law Group, P.A.
submitted an application to the St. Johns County Economic Development Agency
requesting economic development incentives to construct a new 6,000 square foot office
building at 104 Sea Grove Main Street in St. Augustine Beach to expand its existing law
firm in St. Johns County. St. Johns Law Group, P.A. proposes to maintain their 10
existing employees and create between 8-16 new jobs within the next four years, at an
average wage of $80,000. Under the ‘Existing Industry’ category of the County’s Business
Incentive Program, the project was recommended for an economic development grant
equal to four (4) years ad valorem taxes on real property improvements and new tangible
personal property (general County portion), and up to 100% of fees collected by the County
(impact fees and water/sewer connection fees). The total estimated value of the incentive is
Item 10

submitted an application to the St. Johns County Economic Development Agency
requesting economic development incentives to construct a new 6,000 square foot office
building at 104 Sea Grove Main Street in St. Augustine Beach to expand its existing law
firm in St. Johns County. St. Johns Law Group, P.A. proposes to maintain their 10
existing employees and create between 8-16 new jobs within the next four years, at an
average wage of $80,000. Under the ‘Existing Industry’ category of the County’s Business
Incentive Program, the project was recommended for an economic development grant
equal to four (4) years ad valorem taxes on real property improvements and new tangible
personal property (general County portion), and up to 100% of fees collected by the County
(impact fees and water/sewer connection fees). The total estimated value of the incentive is
Reports - - Commissioners’ Reports
- County Administrator’s Report
- County Attorney’s Report
- Clerk of Court’s Report

- County Administrator’s Report
- County Attorney’s Report
- Clerk of Court’s Report
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