August 6, 2019 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - Call to Order by Chair
Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations - Proclamation Congratulating Smokey the Bear on his 75th Birthday
Acceptance of Proclamations

Acceptance of Proclamations
Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda

Approval of Consent Agenda
Regular Agenda - Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Regular Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda
Item 1 - Presentation of the St. Johns County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The
County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (“CAFR”) requires acceptance from the Board of County Commissioners. The Report is prepared by the Clerk Comptroller's Office. As a final step, the Board should accept the FY 2018 CAFR as audited by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC, the County’s auditing firm. The CAFR and SAS 114 letter is available on the Clerk’s website, which can be accessed from the County’s webpage, at the following link: The Board will now have the opportunity for any further discussion with the auditors. The County has once again received an unqualified opinion on the fair presentation of its financial statements.
Item 1

County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (“CAFR”) requires acceptance from the Board of County Commissioners. The Report is prepared by the Clerk Comptroller's Office. As a final step, the Board should accept the FY 2018 CAFR as audited by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC, the County’s auditing firm. The CAFR and SAS 114 letter is available on the Clerk’s website, which can be accessed from the County’s webpage, at the following link: The Board will now have the opportunity for any further discussion with the auditors. The County has once again received an unqualified opinion on the fair presentation of its financial statements.
Item 2 - A1A Trail Update. Per request by the Commission on June 18, 2019, staff will provide a status update of the A1A trail that is proposed to be routed along State Road (SR) A1A from Vilano Beach to Mickler Road. This trail is also a part of the East Coast Greenway. Staff will also seek direction from the Board regarding funding a trail study to research the feasibility of this trail along SR A1A from Vilano to Mickler Road.
Item 2

Item 3 - Public Hearing * PUD 2018-16 Land Development for Boat and RV Storage. Request to rezone approximately 2 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate a range of Neighborhood Commercial Uses, including, but not limited to an RV and Boat Storage Facility. The subject property is located at 1195 SR 206 East and is located west of the 206 bridge and south of the Moses Creek Conservation Area. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval by a 4-2 vote with 1 member recused from voting.
Item 3

Item 4 - Public Hearing * Public Hearing on Proposed Increases to Solid Waste Special Assessments. On May 7, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") approved extraordinary relief for the remainder of FY 2019 for St. Johns County's residential solid waste franchisees, Advanced Disposal and Republic Services, due to recent changes in the recycling market. The Board also directed staff to negotiate proposed amendments to the franchise agreements to address the increased costs for the remainder of the contract terms. To account for these changes in the recycling market and overall increases in the costs of providing solid waste collection and disposal since the solid waste assessments were last set, the Board directed staff to prepare proposed increases in the maximum rates for the solid waste special assessments for FY 2020 and future years. This agenda item provides for the public hearing required by Florida Statute on the proposed increase to the maximum assessment rates for FY 2020 through FY 2024. Consistent with Florida Statute and the Board's direction, a "notice to property owner” was mailed to over 86,000 residents to inform them of the proposed increase to the maximum assessment rates and of their right to submit written objections and to appear at the August 6, 2019 public hearing. The maximum assessment rates are proposed to increase from the current total rate of $222 to $230 in FY 2020, $236 in FY 2021, $242 in FY 2022, $248 in FY 2023, and $254 in FY 2024. Staff requests Board direction to include the proposed maximum assessment rates in the Annual Assessment Resolution to be presented for adoption at the first meeting in September.
Item 4

Item 6 - Public Hearing * CPA(SS) 2019-01 Wolfe Road. Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 2.10 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-A (Res-A), specifically located at 4565 Wolfe Road. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval of the requested amendment with a 7-0 vote at the June 20, 2019 regular meeting. A summary of the application and minor impacts are provided in the Growth Management staff report.
Item 6

Item 7 - Public Hearing * VACROA 2018-04 - a Public Hearing to vacate portions of Florida Street, W Fourth Street, and alleyway. The applicant requests the vacation of portions of Florida Street, W Fourth Street, and alleyway, located within the College Park Subdivision. Based on staff's review thus far, traffic patterns will not be negatively impacted, and no party will be unreasonably affected by the requested vacation.
Item 7

Item 8 - Public Hearing * ADMR 2019-02 Rezoning County Properties to Public Service (PS) -first hearing. This is the first required hearing for a request for Administrative Rezoning of certain lands owned by St Johns County and used for Government Services to Public Service (PS). This request is a county-initiated rezoning of 24 parcels of land totaling approximately 650 acres through out St. Johns County. The second BCC hearing is scheduled for September 17, 2019. Pursuant to statute, two (2) public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners are required, one of which must be on a weekday after 5:00 p.m. unless a majority plus one of the Board decides to hold the meeting at another time. This first hearing sets the hearing date and time for the second and final hearing for these County parcels.
Item 8

Additional Item - Additional Item
Additional Item

Item 5 - Public Hearing * PUD 2019-03 St. Vincent's Health Center. A request to rezone approximately 2.14 acres of land from Residential, Single Family (R-1-C) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a St. Vincent’s Health Center, located at the southwest corner of State Road A1A and Marsh Landing Parkway. The Ponte Vedra Architectural Review Committee heard the request during their regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 2019 and recommended approval subject to a modification to the height waiver. The Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board recommended approval of this rezoning application with a 5-2 vote during the June 3, 2019 regular meeting.
Item 5

Reports - Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report

County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report
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