August 5, 2019 Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board
Call to Order - Call meeting to order
Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public comment
Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 6, 2019 and June 3, 2019
Call to Order

Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public comment
Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 6, 2019 and June 3, 2019
Item 1 - PVZVAR 2019-03 Shoppes at Ponte Vedra Fence. Request to allow for an eight (8)
foot fence to remain in lieu of a six (6) foot fence along the south property line in
Commercial (R-3) zoning, adjacent to Residential Single Family (R-1-C) zoning,
specifically located at 330 A1A N.
Item 1

foot fence to remain in lieu of a six (6) foot fence along the south property line in
Commercial (R-3) zoning, adjacent to Residential Single Family (R-1-C) zoning,
specifically located at 330 A1A N.
Item 2 - PVZVAR 2019-04 Sample Addition (40 Ponte Vedra Circle). Request for a Zoning
Variance to Section VIII.D of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow an
encroachment of six (6) feet to the fifty (50) foot platted front building restriction line to
accommodate the construction of a 151 square foot addition, specifically located at 40
Ponte Vedra Circle.
Item 2

Variance to Section VIII.D of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow an
encroachment of six (6) feet to the fifty (50) foot platted front building restriction line to
accommodate the construction of a 151 square foot addition, specifically located at 40
Ponte Vedra Circle.
Item 3 - Amendments to the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations. Public hearing to
recommend amendments to Sections I, III, and VIII of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District
Regulations to address issues that have been identified by the Code Enforcement
Division, Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board, and members of the Ponte Vedra
community. Amendments are proposed to define commercial vehicles, clarify refuse
containers prohibitions, provide consistent front yard requirement for non-platted lots
with vacated right-of-way adjacent to Ponte Vedra Boulevard, and adding tree protection
Item 3

recommend amendments to Sections I, III, and VIII of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District
Regulations to address issues that have been identified by the Code Enforcement
Division, Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board, and members of the Ponte Vedra
community. Amendments are proposed to define commercial vehicles, clarify refuse
containers prohibitions, provide consistent front yard requirement for non-platted lots
with vacated right-of-way adjacent to Ponte Vedra Boulevard, and adding tree protection
Staff Report - Staff Report
Board Report
Meeting Adjourned
Staff Report

Board Report
Meeting Adjourned
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