July 18, 2019 Planning and Zoning Agency
Call to Order - Call meeting to order.
Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public Comments
Call to Order

Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public Comments
Approval of Minutes - Approval of meeting minutes from June 20, 2019.
Approval of Minutes

Items 1 & 2 - 1. ZVAR 2019-15 R.L.H Enterprises. A request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development Code, Section 2.03.60.A.3 to allow for a rural industry to not be accessory to a single family dwelling unit occupied by the owner/manager. The subject property currently has an existing Plant Nursery on approximately 5 acres located at 2585 Pacetti Road. The owner of the subject property lives less than 1000 feet west of the subject property.
2. SUPMAJ 2019-07 R.L.H Enterprises. A request for a Special Use Permit to allow for a Rural Industry on property zoned Open Rural (OR), pursuant to Section 2.03.60 of the Land Development Code. The subject property currently has an existing Plant Nursery on approximately 5 acres located at 2585 Pacetti Road.
Items 1 & 2

2. SUPMAJ 2019-07 R.L.H Enterprises. A request for a Special Use Permit to allow for a Rural Industry on property zoned Open Rural (OR), pursuant to Section 2.03.60 of the Land Development Code. The subject property currently has an existing Plant Nursery on approximately 5 acres located at 2585 Pacetti Road.
Item 3 - ZVAR 2019-03 Parrish Addition. Request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development Code, Section 6.01.03.E.3 to allow for reduction of the required second front yard setback from 20 feet to 8 feet 4 inches (8'4"), adjacent to Avenue G, to accommodate an addition to the existing single family home.
Item 3

Item 4 - ZVAR 2019-11 Henry Residence (Boat Parking). Request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development Code Section 6.01.03.H.5 to allow for a boat/recreational vehicle to be stored within the required front yard; specifically located at 116 Hawthorne Road.
Item 4

Item 5 - MAJMOD 2019-01 Pacetti Road Plaza. Request for a Major Modification to the Pacetti Road Plaza Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 2010-1) to reinstate the expired PUD and add an additional 3,100 square feet for the business, retail and office Use; the applicant also proposes reduction to the Scenic Edge from 75 feet to 30 feet and relocation of associated infrastructure.
Item 5

Item 6 - MAJMOD 2019-02 RiverTown PUD. Request for a Major Modification to the RiverTown PUD to include a third type of multi-family development (townhomes/villas), and extend phasing based on gubernatorial emergency declarations.
Item 6

Item 7 - REZ 2019-02 Edinger IV Beach Property. Request to Rezone approximately 0.22 acres of land from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to Residential, Manufactured/Mobile Home or Single-Family (RMH(S)) with an address of 6257 A1A South, located south of Treasure Beach Road on Anastasia Island.
Item 7

Item 8 - PUD 2018-17 Lightsey Road Self- Storage. A request to rezone approximately 8.99 acres of land located on Lightsey Road from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow a Self- Storage Facility located on Lightsey Road.
Item 8

Item 9 - PUD 2019-02 Bridgewater PUD. Request to rezone approximately 144.8 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate a maximum of 816 multi-family dwelling units (townhomes)
Item 9

Item 10 - COMPAMD 2016-06 Minorcan Mill (TRANSMITTAL). Transmittal hearing for COMPAMD 2016-06 Minorcan Mill, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend 58.24 acres on the Future Land Use Map from Agricultural Intensive (AI) to Residential-B (Res-B), with a text amendment limiting the maximum number of single-family residential units to 125. The Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing on December 6, 2018, and voted 3-2 in favor of recommending denial of transmittal of COMPAMD 2016-06 Minorcan Mill. The Board of County Commissioners remanded the application back to the Planning and Zoning Agency on February 5, 2019.
Item 10

Reports - Agency Reports
Meeting Adjourned

Meeting Adjourned
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