July 16, 2019 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - Call to Order by Chair
Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Presentations - Presentation by the Northeast Florida Regional Council
Presentation by Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida Recognizing the Law
Enforcement Officer of the Year

Presentation by Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida Recognizing the Law
Enforcement Officer of the Year
Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda

Approval of Consent Agenda
Regular Agenda - Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Regular Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda
Item 1 - Public Hearing * Amendment to St. Johns Welfare Federation Health Care
Revenue Bonds. The St. Johns County Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
adopted on June 10, 2019 a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of an
amended and restated trust indenture and an amended and restated loan agreement
in connection with the IDA's outstanding $14,335,000 Health Care Revenue Bonds,
Tax Exempt Series 2007 (Bayview Project). The purpose of the amendments is to
obtain a release of the mortgage on the Buckingham Smith facility, which is currently
identified in the trust indenture and loan agreement as collateral for the Health Care
Revenue Bonds, in anticipation of the sale of the facility. Because the amendments to
the trust indenture and loan agreement may be deemed to be a ‘re-issuance’ of the
Series 2007 Bonds for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, a TEFRA hearing was
held on June 3, 2019 pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
IDA requests that the Board approve the amendments to the trust indenture and loan
agreement in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue
Code and Section 125.01(1)(z), Florida Statutes.
Item 1

Revenue Bonds. The St. Johns County Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
adopted on June 10, 2019 a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of an
amended and restated trust indenture and an amended and restated loan agreement
in connection with the IDA's outstanding $14,335,000 Health Care Revenue Bonds,
Tax Exempt Series 2007 (Bayview Project). The purpose of the amendments is to
obtain a release of the mortgage on the Buckingham Smith facility, which is currently
identified in the trust indenture and loan agreement as collateral for the Health Care
Revenue Bonds, in anticipation of the sale of the facility. Because the amendments to
the trust indenture and loan agreement may be deemed to be a ‘re-issuance’ of the
Series 2007 Bonds for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, a TEFRA hearing was
held on June 3, 2019 pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
IDA requests that the Board approve the amendments to the trust indenture and loan
agreement in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue
Code and Section 125.01(1)(z), Florida Statutes.
Item 8 - Public Hearing * ADMR 2019-01 AMG Service Center (3230 US Highway 1 S).
Request for rezoning from CI with conditions to CI with conditions to add the use of
automobile sales to the existing CI with conditions zoned property. The Planning and
Zoning Agency heard this item on June 6, 2019 and voted 6-0 to recommend approval.
Item 8

Request for rezoning from CI with conditions to CI with conditions to add the use of
automobile sales to the existing CI with conditions zoned property. The Planning and
Zoning Agency heard this item on June 6, 2019 and voted 6-0 to recommend approval.
Item 2 - Public Hearing * REZ 2019-04 Osprey Cove. Request to rezone approximately 20.66
acres of land from an expired Planned Rural Development (PRD) to Open Rural (OR).
The property consists of two parcels, located north and south of State Road 16,
between Shands Bridge and State Road 13 North. The remainder of the Osprey Cove
PRD was taken by government domain action by Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) for construction of the First Coast Expressway. Rezoning of the remnant
property back to Open Rural (OR) will permit development of the two exempt parcels
with one dwelling unit each. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval
with a 6-0 vote at the June 6, 2019 regular meeting.
Item 2

acres of land from an expired Planned Rural Development (PRD) to Open Rural (OR).
The property consists of two parcels, located north and south of State Road 16,
between Shands Bridge and State Road 13 North. The remainder of the Osprey Cove
PRD was taken by government domain action by Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) for construction of the First Coast Expressway. Rezoning of the remnant
property back to Open Rural (OR) will permit development of the two exempt parcels
with one dwelling unit each. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval
with a 6-0 vote at the June 6, 2019 regular meeting.
Item 3 (Part 1 of 2) - Public Hearing * PUD 2018-12 Benchip Mixed Use PUD. A request to rezone
approximately 33.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) and Commercial General (CG)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a mixed use
project consisting of up to 280 townhomes and 100,000 square feet of commercial,
located at the southwest quadrant of the State Road 207 and Wildwood Drive
intersection. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard the request on May 2, 2019 and
voted 4-2 to recommend approval. Concerns regarding interconnectivity between the
residential and non-residential portions of the development, lack of details on the MDP
Map, signage, school capacity, and utilization of the term "workforce housing" were
discussed. There was one public comment from a neighboring property owner in
opposition of the requested rezoning. The item was continued from the June 18th
agenda to allow adequate staff review of significant revisions to the Master
Development Plan (MDP) Text and Map to address concerns expressed by the Agency
and adjacent property owner. Additional details regarding the revisions and the
updated MDP are provided in the Growth Management staff report.
Item 3 (Part 1 of 2)

approximately 33.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) and Commercial General (CG)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a mixed use
project consisting of up to 280 townhomes and 100,000 square feet of commercial,
located at the southwest quadrant of the State Road 207 and Wildwood Drive
intersection. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard the request on May 2, 2019 and
voted 4-2 to recommend approval. Concerns regarding interconnectivity between the
residential and non-residential portions of the development, lack of details on the MDP
Map, signage, school capacity, and utilization of the term "workforce housing" were
discussed. There was one public comment from a neighboring property owner in
opposition of the requested rezoning. The item was continued from the June 18th
agenda to allow adequate staff review of significant revisions to the Master
Development Plan (MDP) Text and Map to address concerns expressed by the Agency
and adjacent property owner. Additional details regarding the revisions and the
updated MDP are provided in the Growth Management staff report.
Item 4 (Part 1 of 2) - Public Hearing * PUD 2018-02 IGP Equities WGV. A request to rezone
approximately 1.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to allow for the construction of a commercial building, located north of State
Road 16 and east of Pacetti Road/International Golf Parkway. This application was
heard by the Planning and Zoning Agency in November 15, 2018 and was
recommended for denial with a vote 6-1. The Agency stated that the site appeared to
be over-designed for its size, suggested interconnectivity be provided and requested
that staff comments be addressed regarding development and scenic edge
requirements. The Board of County Commissioners heard the request December 18,
2018 and voted 5-0 to continue the item remanding it back to the Agency for hearing
prior to being heard by BCC for a second time. The Board requested the applicant
consider providing a potential future connection between the subject property and the
World Commerce Center property and resolve other concerns addressed within the
staff report. Following the hearing the applicant addressed some of the remaining
concerns by modifying the two provided MDP Maps and altering some language within
the Text, as described within the prepared staff report. The Planning and Zoning
Agency heard the remanded application on June 6, 2019, voting 4-2 in favor of
recommending approval of the PUD with modifications to the application. The motion
that carried included that the MDP Text be modified to provide for enhanced
landscaping in the reduced Development Edge. The motion also required that only
MDP Map #1 would be considered, rather than the two MDP Maps, which relied on
the future development of the adjacent parcel before determining which document
would prevail. Additional information regarding the Agency public hearing are
provided in the attached Staff Report.
Item 4 (Part 1 of 2)

approximately 1.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to allow for the construction of a commercial building, located north of State
Road 16 and east of Pacetti Road/International Golf Parkway. This application was
heard by the Planning and Zoning Agency in November 15, 2018 and was
recommended for denial with a vote 6-1. The Agency stated that the site appeared to
be over-designed for its size, suggested interconnectivity be provided and requested
that staff comments be addressed regarding development and scenic edge
requirements. The Board of County Commissioners heard the request December 18,
2018 and voted 5-0 to continue the item remanding it back to the Agency for hearing
prior to being heard by BCC for a second time. The Board requested the applicant
consider providing a potential future connection between the subject property and the
World Commerce Center property and resolve other concerns addressed within the
staff report. Following the hearing the applicant addressed some of the remaining
concerns by modifying the two provided MDP Maps and altering some language within
the Text, as described within the prepared staff report. The Planning and Zoning
Agency heard the remanded application on June 6, 2019, voting 4-2 in favor of
recommending approval of the PUD with modifications to the application. The motion
that carried included that the MDP Text be modified to provide for enhanced
landscaping in the reduced Development Edge. The motion also required that only
MDP Map #1 would be considered, rather than the two MDP Maps, which relied on
the future development of the adjacent parcel before determining which document
would prevail. Additional information regarding the Agency public hearing are
provided in the attached Staff Report.
Item 3 (Part 2 of 2) - Public Hearing * PUD 2018-12 Benchip Mixed Use PUD. A request to rezone
approximately 33.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) and Commercial General (CG)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a mixed use
project consisting of up to 280 townhomes and 100,000 square feet of commercial,
located at the southwest quadrant of the State Road 207 and Wildwood Drive
intersection. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard the request on May 2, 2019 and
voted 4-2 to recommend approval. Concerns regarding interconnectivity between the
residential and non-residential portions of the development, lack of details on the MDP
Map, signage, school capacity, and utilization of the term "workforce housing" were
discussed. There was one public comment from a neighboring property owner in
opposition of the requested rezoning. The item was continued from the June 18th
agenda to allow adequate staff review of significant revisions to the Master
Development Plan (MDP) Text and Map to address concerns expressed by the Agency
and adjacent property owner. Additional details regarding the revisions and the
updated MDP are provided in the Growth Management staff report.
Item 3 (Part 2 of 2)

approximately 33.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) and Commercial General (CG)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a mixed use
project consisting of up to 280 townhomes and 100,000 square feet of commercial,
located at the southwest quadrant of the State Road 207 and Wildwood Drive
intersection. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard the request on May 2, 2019 and
voted 4-2 to recommend approval. Concerns regarding interconnectivity between the
residential and non-residential portions of the development, lack of details on the MDP
Map, signage, school capacity, and utilization of the term "workforce housing" were
discussed. There was one public comment from a neighboring property owner in
opposition of the requested rezoning. The item was continued from the June 18th
agenda to allow adequate staff review of significant revisions to the Master
Development Plan (MDP) Text and Map to address concerns expressed by the Agency
and adjacent property owner. Additional details regarding the revisions and the
updated MDP are provided in the Growth Management staff report.
Item 5 - Public Hearing * REZ 2019-03 Dobbs Road Rezoning. A request to rezone
approximately 2.96 acres of land from Industrial Warehousing (IW) to Commercial
Warehouse (CW). The Planning and Zoning Agency voted 6-0 to recommend approval
on June 6, 2019.
Item 5

approximately 2.96 acres of land from Industrial Warehousing (IW) to Commercial
Warehouse (CW). The Planning and Zoning Agency voted 6-0 to recommend approval
on June 6, 2019.
Item 4 (Part 2 of 2) - Public Hearing * PUD 2018-02 IGP Equities WGV. A request to rezone
approximately 1.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to allow for the construction of a commercial building, located north of State
Road 16 and east of Pacetti Road/International Golf Parkway. This application was
heard by the Planning and Zoning Agency in November 15, 2018 and was
recommended for denial with a vote 6-1. The Agency stated that the site appeared to
be over-designed for its size, suggested interconnectivity be provided and requested
that staff comments be addressed regarding development and scenic edge
requirements. The Board of County Commissioners heard the request December 18,
2018 and voted 5-0 to continue the item remanding it back to the Agency for hearing
prior to being heard by BCC for a second time. The Board requested the applicant
consider providing a potential future connection between the subject property and the
World Commerce Center property and resolve other concerns addressed within the
staff report. Following the hearing the applicant addressed some of the remaining
concerns by modifying the two provided MDP Maps and altering some language within
the Text, as described within the prepared staff report. The Planning and Zoning
Agency heard the remanded application on June 6, 2019, voting 4-2 in favor of
recommending approval of the PUD with modifications to the application. The motion
that carried included that the MDP Text be modified to provide for enhanced
landscaping in the reduced Development Edge. The motion also required that only
MDP Map #1 would be considered, rather than the two MDP Maps, which relied on
the future development of the adjacent parcel before determining which document
would prevail. Additional information regarding the Agency public hearing are
provided in the attached Staff Report.
Item 4 (Part 2 of 2)

approximately 1.4 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to allow for the construction of a commercial building, located north of State
Road 16 and east of Pacetti Road/International Golf Parkway. This application was
heard by the Planning and Zoning Agency in November 15, 2018 and was
recommended for denial with a vote 6-1. The Agency stated that the site appeared to
be over-designed for its size, suggested interconnectivity be provided and requested
that staff comments be addressed regarding development and scenic edge
requirements. The Board of County Commissioners heard the request December 18,
2018 and voted 5-0 to continue the item remanding it back to the Agency for hearing
prior to being heard by BCC for a second time. The Board requested the applicant
consider providing a potential future connection between the subject property and the
World Commerce Center property and resolve other concerns addressed within the
staff report. Following the hearing the applicant addressed some of the remaining
concerns by modifying the two provided MDP Maps and altering some language within
the Text, as described within the prepared staff report. The Planning and Zoning
Agency heard the remanded application on June 6, 2019, voting 4-2 in favor of
recommending approval of the PUD with modifications to the application. The motion
that carried included that the MDP Text be modified to provide for enhanced
landscaping in the reduced Development Edge. The motion also required that only
MDP Map #1 would be considered, rather than the two MDP Maps, which relied on
the future development of the adjacent parcel before determining which document
would prevail. Additional information regarding the Agency public hearing are
provided in the attached Staff Report.
Items 6 & 7 - 6. Public Hearing * CPA (SS) 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail. Adoption of
CPA (SS) 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail, a request for a Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation of
approximately 3 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (Res-C),
and text amendment to limit development to a maximum of 11,000 square feet for a
daycare facility and 10,000 square feet for retail, and pm peak hour trips to 299;
specifically located at 4041 County Road 210 West. The Planning and Zoning Agency
recommended approval with a 6-0 vote at its June 20, 2019 meeting.
District 2
7. Public Hearing * PUD 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail. Request to rezone
approximately 3 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to accommodate a non-residential, Neighborhood Commercial development
consisting of an 11,000 square foot Daycare Facility and 10,000 square foot Retail
Building; located south of County Road 210 West and east of Shearwater Parkway.
The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval with a 6-0 vote at its June
20 meeting.
Items 6 & 7

CPA (SS) 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail, a request for a Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation of
approximately 3 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (Res-C),
and text amendment to limit development to a maximum of 11,000 square feet for a
daycare facility and 10,000 square feet for retail, and pm peak hour trips to 299;
specifically located at 4041 County Road 210 West. The Planning and Zoning Agency
recommended approval with a 6-0 vote at its June 20, 2019 meeting.
District 2
7. Public Hearing * PUD 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail. Request to rezone
approximately 3 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) to accommodate a non-residential, Neighborhood Commercial development
consisting of an 11,000 square foot Daycare Facility and 10,000 square foot Retail
Building; located south of County Road 210 West and east of Shearwater Parkway.
The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval with a 6-0 vote at its June
20 meeting.
Item 9 - Fiscal Year 2020 Recommended Budget and Tentative Millage Rates. The annual
County budget process requires a number of steps, ranging from its preparation
through adoption. Florida Statutes (F.S. 129.03(3) and F.S. 200.065, Truth in Millage
(“TRIM”) requirements) specify that a balanced Recommended Budget must be
submitted to the Board of County Commissioners as the next step in the budget
process. The FY 2020 Recommended Budget has been balanced with expenditures
and adequate reserves within each County fund equal to projected fund revenues.
County Administration's Recommended Budget represents a funding level that can
reasonably assure the achievement of St. Johns County’s operational needs while
minimizing the tax impact on its citizenry. A Fiscal Year 2020 Recommended Budget
Workbook will be provided to the County Commission on or before July 9, 2019. In
addition, an electronic version of the workbook may be found on the County's website
at: www.sjcfl.us/OMB . The BCC will need to approve tentative Millage rates (see the
attached sheet) for the County’s TRIM mailing and approve September 3, 2019 @ 5:01
PM in the County Auditorium as the Date, Time and Place of the first public hearing
for the adoption of the FY 2020 Annual Budget. For practical purposes, once the
tentative Millage rates are set, they can still be decreased but not increased. Following
the development and presentation of a Recommended Budget, the County is obligated
to provide certain information concerning that budget to the Property Appraiser. This
information includes the proposed Millage rates for each of the County’s dependent
taxing districts and the establishment of a date, time and location of the first public
hearing for Millage rate and budget adoption. This information is placed on
Department of Revenue DR–420 forms and forwarded to the Property Appraiser.
Those forms provide the basis for the “TRIM” notice mailed by the Property Appraiser
to property owners in St. Johns County.
Item 9

County budget process requires a number of steps, ranging from its preparation
through adoption. Florida Statutes (F.S. 129.03(3) and F.S. 200.065, Truth in Millage
(“TRIM”) requirements) specify that a balanced Recommended Budget must be
submitted to the Board of County Commissioners as the next step in the budget
process. The FY 2020 Recommended Budget has been balanced with expenditures
and adequate reserves within each County fund equal to projected fund revenues.
County Administration's Recommended Budget represents a funding level that can
reasonably assure the achievement of St. Johns County’s operational needs while
minimizing the tax impact on its citizenry. A Fiscal Year 2020 Recommended Budget
Workbook will be provided to the County Commission on or before July 9, 2019. In
addition, an electronic version of the workbook may be found on the County's website
at: www.sjcfl.us/OMB . The BCC will need to approve tentative Millage rates (see the
attached sheet) for the County’s TRIM mailing and approve September 3, 2019 @ 5:01
PM in the County Auditorium as the Date, Time and Place of the first public hearing
for the adoption of the FY 2020 Annual Budget. For practical purposes, once the
tentative Millage rates are set, they can still be decreased but not increased. Following
the development and presentation of a Recommended Budget, the County is obligated
to provide certain information concerning that budget to the Property Appraiser. This
information includes the proposed Millage rates for each of the County’s dependent
taxing districts and the establishment of a date, time and location of the first public
hearing for Millage rate and budget adoption. This information is placed on
Department of Revenue DR–420 forms and forwarded to the Property Appraiser.
Those forms provide the basis for the “TRIM” notice mailed by the Property Appraiser
to property owners in St. Johns County.
Additional Item 1 - Additional Item 1
Additional Item 1

Additional Item 2 - Additional Item 2
Additional Item 2

Reports - Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report

County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report
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