June 20, 2019 Planning and Zoning Agency
Call to Order - Call meeting to order.
Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public Comments
Call to Order

Reading of the Public Notice statement
Public Comments
Approval of Minutes - Approval of meeting minutes from April 18, 2019; May 2, 2019; May 16, 2019; and June 6, 2019.
Approval of Minutes

Item 1 - ZVAR 2 019-07 Bryan Property Fence (217 Rivershore Lane). Request for a Zoning Variance to Section
2.02.04.B.12 of the Land Development Code to allow for a 6 foot fence to be located within the required 25 foot
front yard setback.
Presenter - Teresa Bishop, AICP, Planning Division Manager
Item 1

2.02.04.B.12 of the Land Development Code to allow for a 6 foot fence to be located within the required 25 foot
front yard setback.
Presenter - Teresa Bishop, AICP, Planning Division Manager
Item 2 - SUPMA J 2017-17 Coastal Aggregates Borrow Pit. Request to allow a Special Use Permit to allow a Borrow
Pit, within OR zoning based on Section 2.03.10. The project is located in the Hastings area, south of SR 207,
currently addressed at 9087 Barrel Factory Road. This application was heard at the PZA December 7, 2017
meeting. At that meeting access concerns by the adjacent property owner was brought to the attention of staff.
Also, the owners of the two existing borrow pits attended the PZA meeting and objected to the access through
their property to the proposed borrow pit. The PZA provided general consensus on the proposed borrow pit use
however, requested it be continued to allow the access issue be resolved. The application was continued to a date
uncertain and was scheduled again for May 5, 2018, again continued to July 19, 2018, and is now being heard
again on June 20, 2019. Pursuant to the request of the PZA, staff has worked with the applicant and researched
the access options. Staff requested that the applicant obtain approval from the underlying fee simple owners of the
proposed haul route. The applicant produced a letter from Putnam County describing the use of Wildwood Lane
within Putnam County, and a letter from the Chair of the Hastings Drainage District (HDD) describing the use of
Canals 13, 14, and 17 being acceptable for access to the proposed borrow pit.
Presenter - Marie E. Colee, Assistant Program Manager
Item 2

Pit, within OR zoning based on Section 2.03.10. The project is located in the Hastings area, south of SR 207,
currently addressed at 9087 Barrel Factory Road. This application was heard at the PZA December 7, 2017
meeting. At that meeting access concerns by the adjacent property owner was brought to the attention of staff.
Also, the owners of the two existing borrow pits attended the PZA meeting and objected to the access through
their property to the proposed borrow pit. The PZA provided general consensus on the proposed borrow pit use
however, requested it be continued to allow the access issue be resolved. The application was continued to a date
uncertain and was scheduled again for May 5, 2018, again continued to July 19, 2018, and is now being heard
again on June 20, 2019. Pursuant to the request of the PZA, staff has worked with the applicant and researched
the access options. Staff requested that the applicant obtain approval from the underlying fee simple owners of the
proposed haul route. The applicant produced a letter from Putnam County describing the use of Wildwood Lane
within Putnam County, and a letter from the Chair of the Hastings Drainage District (HDD) describing the use of
Canals 13, 14, and 17 being acceptable for access to the proposed borrow pit.
Presenter - Marie E. Colee, Assistant Program Manager
Item 3 - SUPMA J 2019-04 Veritas Classical School Expansion (Academy of St. Augustine).
Request for a Special Use Permit to allow for the expansion of a Private School with Conve ntional Academic
Curriculum in Commercial, General (CG) zoning, pursuant to Section 2.03.17 of the Land Development Code.
Subject property is located at 253 State Road 16, just east of its intersection with El Rey Avenue.
Presenter - Casey Dendor, Planner
Item 3

Request for a Special Use Permit to allow for the expansion of a Private School with Conve ntional Academic
Curriculum in Commercial, General (CG) zoning, pursuant to Section 2.03.17 of the Land Development Code.
Subject property is located at 253 State Road 16, just east of its intersection with El Rey Avenue.
Presenter - Casey Dendor, Planner
Item 4 - MINMO D 2019-05 World Commerce Center. Request for a Minor Modification to the World Commerce Center
PUD (Ordinance 2004-48, as amended) to allow for a grocery store within the Shopping Center Parcel to serve
beer and wine for on-premise consumption within 1,000 feet of a church/school; prohibit bars, lounges and
nightclubs within the Shopping Center Parcel; allow sidewalk café/outdoor seating areas; a wall sign on the side or
rear of the grocery store in addition to the front façade signage; and update the Master Development Plan Map.
Presenter - Beverly Frazier, Senior Supervising Planner
Item 4

PUD (Ordinance 2004-48, as amended) to allow for a grocery store within the Shopping Center Parcel to serve
beer and wine for on-premise consumption within 1,000 feet of a church/school; prohibit bars, lounges and
nightclubs within the Shopping Center Parcel; allow sidewalk café/outdoor seating areas; a wall sign on the side or
rear of the grocery store in addition to the front façade signage; and update the Master Development Plan Map.
Presenter - Beverly Frazier, Senior Supervising Planner
Item 5 - CPA(SS ) 2019-01 Wolfe Road. Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the
Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 2.10 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Residential-A (Res-A), specifically located at 4565 Wolfe Road.
Presenter - Valerie Stukes, Planner
Item 5

Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 2.10 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Residential-A (Res-A), specifically located at 4565 Wolfe Road.
Presenter - Valerie Stukes, Planner
Item 6 - PUD 20 18-16 Land Development for Boat and RV Storage. Request to rezone approximately 2 acres of land
from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate an RV and Boat Storage Facility.
Presenter - Casey Dendor, Planner
Item 6

from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate an RV and Boat Storage Facility.
Presenter - Casey Dendor, Planner
Items 7 & 8 - 7. CPA(SS ) 2019-05 CR 210 West Daycare and Retail PUD. Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 3 acres of land from
Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (Res-C); the applicant is proposing a text amendment to limit development
to a maximum of 11,000 square feet for a day care facility and 10,000 square feet for commercial/retail.
District 2
8. PUD 20 19-05 CR 210 West Daycare & Retail PUD. Request to rezone approximately 3 acres of land from
Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate a non-residential, Neighborhood
Commercial development consisting of an 11,000 square foot Day Care Facility and 10,000 square foot Retail
Items 7 & 8

Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 3 acres of land from
Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (Res-C); the applicant is proposing a text amendment to limit development
to a maximum of 11,000 square feet for a day care facility and 10,000 square feet for commercial/retail.
District 2
8. PUD 20 19-05 CR 210 West Daycare & Retail PUD. Request to rezone approximately 3 acres of land from
Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate a non-residential, Neighborhood
Commercial development consisting of an 11,000 square foot Day Care Facility and 10,000 square foot Retail
Reports - Agency Reports
Meeting Adjourned

Meeting Adjourned
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