June 18, 2019 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - Call to Order by Chair
Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations - Proclamation Recognizing June 2019 as PTSD Awareness Month
Acceptance of Proclamations

Acceptance of Proclamations
Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda

Approval of Consent Agenda
Regular Agenda - Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Regular Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda
Item 1 - Constitutional Officers’ Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Presentations. Presentation of the Constitutional Officer’s tentative budgets for Fiscal Year 2020. Under F.S. 129.03(2), on or before June 1 of each year, Constitutional Officers shall submit to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) a tentative budget for their respective offices for the ensuing fiscal year. Since the Tax Collector is fee-based, it is not required for the Tax Collector's budget to be submitted to the BCC at this time. Each Constitutional Officer will make a brief oral presentation to the BCC relative to their respective tentative budget. The tentative presentation order will be: 1) Clerk of Courts Hunter S. Conrad, 2) Sheriff David B. Shoar, 3) Supervisor of Elections Vicky Oakes and 4) Property Appraiser Eddie Creamer
Item 1

Item 2 - Public Hearing * MAJMOD 2018-08 Moultrie Bluff PUD (Commercial). Request for a Major Modification to the Moultrie Bluff Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 2009-31, as amended) to clarify allowed uses for the non-residential portion of the project; revise the site plan and design standards; reduce buffer requirements; increase allowances for ground signage; and update phasing as outlined in the revised Master Development Plan (MDP) Text and Map. The PUD is located west of US Highway 1 South and north of Wildwood Drive. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended denial of the modification at the May 2, 2019 regular meeting with a 4-2 vote. A summary of the proposed changes and concerns expressed by neighboring residents are included in the Growth Management Department staff report. This item was continued from the June 6, 2019 agenda.
Item 2

Item 3 - Public Hearing * REZ 2019-01 WSOS Radio Station Offices and Studio. A request
to rezone approximately 2.77 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial, General (CG)
to allow for business, service, and office uses.
Item 3

to rezone approximately 2.77 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial, General (CG)
to allow for business, service, and office uses.
Items 4 & 5 (Part 1 of 2) - 4. Public Hearing * CPA (SS) 2018-07 Peck Property. Adoption of CPA (SS) 2018-07
Peck Property, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Residential B to
Mixed Use, for property 9.99 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 207
approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA
by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval of CPA (SS) 2019-07.
5. Public Hearing * REZ 2018-11 Peck Property. REZ 2018-11, a request to rezone
approximately 9.99 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial General (CG),
located on the north side of SR 207 approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA
meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval
of this request for rezoning.
Items 4 & 5 (Part 1 of 2)

Peck Property, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Residential B to
Mixed Use, for property 9.99 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 207
approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA
by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval of CPA (SS) 2019-07.
5. Public Hearing * REZ 2018-11 Peck Property. REZ 2018-11, a request to rezone
approximately 9.99 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial General (CG),
located on the north side of SR 207 approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA
meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval
of this request for rezoning.
Item 6 - Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2018-08 Southwest Quadrant Race Track Rd. & St.
Johns Pkwy (Adoption). Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, COMPAMD
2018-08, to change the Future Land Use Map designation of approximately 71 acres
of land at the Southwest Quadrant of Race Track Road and St. Johns Parkway from
Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and Residential-A (Res-A) to Mixed Use (MD) and
Conservation (C), with a text amendment limiting development to 250,000 square feet
of commercial and office space and 400 multi-family units. Commercial and office uses
will be community and neighborhood related in nature. The Board of County
Commissioners transmitted this amendment to State and regional agencies on
February 19, 2019. The Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing on May 2,
2019 and voted 6 – 0 to recommend adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Item 6

Johns Pkwy (Adoption). Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, COMPAMD
2018-08, to change the Future Land Use Map designation of approximately 71 acres
of land at the Southwest Quadrant of Race Track Road and St. Johns Parkway from
Rural/Silviculture (R/S) and Residential-A (Res-A) to Mixed Use (MD) and
Conservation (C), with a text amendment limiting development to 250,000 square feet
of commercial and office space and 400 multi-family units. Commercial and office uses
will be community and neighborhood related in nature. The Board of County
Commissioners transmitted this amendment to State and regional agencies on
February 19, 2019. The Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing on May 2,
2019 and voted 6 – 0 to recommend adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Items 4 & 5 (Part 2 of 2) - 4. Public Hearing * CPA (SS) 2018-07 Peck Property. Adoption of CPA (SS) 2018-07
Peck Property, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Residential B to
Mixed Use, for property 9.99 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 207
approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA
by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval of CPA (SS) 2019-07.
5. Public Hearing * REZ 2018-11 Peck Property. REZ 2018-11, a request to rezone
approximately 9.99 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial General (CG),
located on the north side of SR 207 approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA
meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval
of this request for rezoning.
Items 4 & 5 (Part 2 of 2)

Peck Property, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Residential B to
Mixed Use, for property 9.99 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 207
approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA
by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval of CPA (SS) 2019-07.
5. Public Hearing * REZ 2018-11 Peck Property. REZ 2018-11, a request to rezone
approximately 9.99 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial General (CG),
located on the north side of SR 207 approximately ¾ of a mile east of I-95. At the PZA
meeting on May 16, 2019, the PZA by a unanimous vote of 5-0, recommended approval
of this request for rezoning.
Items 7 & 8 - 7. Public Hearing * PUD 2016-12 Mill Creek Forest. Public hearing for PUD 2016-12
Mill Creek Forest, a request to rezone approximately 264 acres from Open Rural (OR)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for the development of a 305 unit singlefamily
development. The Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing on April
4, 2019 and voted 4 - 3 in favor of recommending approval. Please see Growth
Management Department staff report for project history and details.
8. Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2018-09 Mill Creek Forest (Adoption). Adoption
hearing for COMPAMD 2018-09 known as Mill Creek Forest, a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment to amend the Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Residential – B with a text amendment limiting the number of residential units to a
maximum of 305 single family dwelling units. The subject property fronts along
Greenbriar Road, east of Longleaf Pine Parkway in the vicinity of 601 Greenbriar Road.
On May 2, 2017, the majority of Board of County Commissioners voted to Deny
adoption. This is a new application to request a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The
Board transmitted this proposed amendment on February 18, 2019. On April 4, 2019,
the Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing and voted 6 - 1 in favor of
recommending adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Please see Growth
Management Department staff report for project history and details.
Items 7 & 8

Mill Creek Forest, a request to rezone approximately 264 acres from Open Rural (OR)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for the development of a 305 unit singlefamily
development. The Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing on April
4, 2019 and voted 4 - 3 in favor of recommending approval. Please see Growth
Management Department staff report for project history and details.
8. Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2018-09 Mill Creek Forest (Adoption). Adoption
hearing for COMPAMD 2018-09 known as Mill Creek Forest, a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment to amend the Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Residential – B with a text amendment limiting the number of residential units to a
maximum of 305 single family dwelling units. The subject property fronts along
Greenbriar Road, east of Longleaf Pine Parkway in the vicinity of 601 Greenbriar Road.
On May 2, 2017, the majority of Board of County Commissioners voted to Deny
adoption. This is a new application to request a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The
Board transmitted this proposed amendment on February 18, 2019. On April 4, 2019,
the Planning and Zoning Agency held a public hearing and voted 6 - 1 in favor of
recommending adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Please see Growth
Management Department staff report for project history and details.
Item 9 - PUD 2017-07 Ponte Vedra Lakes Boutique. Request to rezone approximately 0.37
acres of land from Single Family Residential District (R-1-C) to Planned Unit
Development (PUD) to allow for 3,000 square feet of limited Neighborhood Commercial
and Community Commercial uses. The property is located south of Marlin Avenue
with approximately 150 feet of frontage on the west side of A1A N. The Ponte Vedra
Zoning and Adjustment Board recommended denial of this rezoning with a 5-1 vote at
the April 2, 2018 hearing. The Board and adjacent property owners expressed
concerns regarding the proposed commercial uses, reduced buffers, and lack of
parking. Discussion included possible modifications to the proposed Master
Development Plan (MDP) to provide interconnectivity with adjacent non-residential
development, limit permitted uses for compatibility, and reduce the maximum square
footage of proposed commercial based on the size of the site. The updated MDP
outlines the proposed development and is included in the Growth Management staff
Item 9

acres of land from Single Family Residential District (R-1-C) to Planned Unit
Development (PUD) to allow for 3,000 square feet of limited Neighborhood Commercial
and Community Commercial uses. The property is located south of Marlin Avenue
with approximately 150 feet of frontage on the west side of A1A N. The Ponte Vedra
Zoning and Adjustment Board recommended denial of this rezoning with a 5-1 vote at
the April 2, 2018 hearing. The Board and adjacent property owners expressed
concerns regarding the proposed commercial uses, reduced buffers, and lack of
parking. Discussion included possible modifications to the proposed Master
Development Plan (MDP) to provide interconnectivity with adjacent non-residential
development, limit permitted uses for compatibility, and reduce the maximum square
footage of proposed commercial based on the size of the site. The updated MDP
outlines the proposed development and is included in the Growth Management staff
Item 10 - Public Hearing * COMPAMD 18-02 Sea Level Rise. This is the adoption hearing for
a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) to amend Objective E.1.3 of the Comprehensive
Plan in order to meet a Florida Statutes requirement. As required, St. Johns County
Planning staff reviewed the St. Johns County 2025 Comprehensive Plan for
compliance with Florida Statutes. After that review it was determined that
amendment(s) are necessary to address Florida Statute, Chapter 163.3178(2)(f)1,
which requires that county Comprehensive Plans address, “development and
redevelopment principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce the flood
risk in coastal areas which result from high-tide events, storm surge, flash floods,
stormwater runoff, and the related impacts of sea-level rise.”
Item 10

a Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) to amend Objective E.1.3 of the Comprehensive
Plan in order to meet a Florida Statutes requirement. As required, St. Johns County
Planning staff reviewed the St. Johns County 2025 Comprehensive Plan for
compliance with Florida Statutes. After that review it was determined that
amendment(s) are necessary to address Florida Statute, Chapter 163.3178(2)(f)1,
which requires that county Comprehensive Plans address, “development and
redevelopment principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce the flood
risk in coastal areas which result from high-tide events, storm surge, flash floods,
stormwater runoff, and the related impacts of sea-level rise.”
Item 11 - Public Hearing * Proposed Fare Increase for the Public Transportation System.
The FTA requires grantees to solicit and consider public comment prior to a fare
increase. This is the second of two public hearings as required by the approved Public
Involvement Plan. The proposed fare increase is intended to generate additional funds
necessary to help support the County's public transportation system. The proposed
base fare will increase from $1.00 to $2.00; the discounted base fare will increase from
$.50 to $1.00; daily passes will increase from $2.00 to $4.00; and discounted daily
passes will increase from $1.00 to $2.00. Monthly passes will not increase, but remain
at $30.00 and $15.00 discounted.
Item 11

The FTA requires grantees to solicit and consider public comment prior to a fare
increase. This is the second of two public hearings as required by the approved Public
Involvement Plan. The proposed fare increase is intended to generate additional funds
necessary to help support the County's public transportation system. The proposed
base fare will increase from $1.00 to $2.00; the discounted base fare will increase from
$.50 to $1.00; daily passes will increase from $2.00 to $4.00; and discounted daily
passes will increase from $1.00 to $2.00. Monthly passes will not increase, but remain
at $30.00 and $15.00 discounted.
Item 12 - Consider an appointment to the North Florida TPO Citizen Advisory Committee.
The North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Citizen Advisory
Committee has two at-large vacant positions designated for a St. Johns County
representative. Both vacancies are due to resignations; that of Mr. Warren Butler
earlier in the year and recently Mr. Bradley Gordon. The TPO has forwarded the
application of Mr. Mario Dipola for review and consideration for a nomination to the
vacant position.
Item 12

The North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Citizen Advisory
Committee has two at-large vacant positions designated for a St. Johns County
representative. Both vacancies are due to resignations; that of Mr. Warren Butler
earlier in the year and recently Mr. Bradley Gordon. The TPO has forwarded the
application of Mr. Mario Dipola for review and consideration for a nomination to the
vacant position.
Reports - Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report

County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report
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