June 16, 2015 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - -Call to Order by Chair
-Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
-Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

-Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
-Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations - - Proclamation recognizing the Florida Chamber Music Project
- Acceptance of Proclamation

- Acceptance of Proclamation
Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - - Deletions to Consent Agenda
- Approval of Consent Agenda
- Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Consent Agenda

- Approval of Consent Agenda
- Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda - Approval of Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda

Item 1 - Constitutional Officers’ Budget Presentations. Presentation of the Constitutional
Officer’s tentative budgets for Fiscal Year 2016. Under F.S. 129.03(2), on or before
June 1 of each year, Constitutional Officers shall submit to the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) a tentative budget for their respective offices for the ensuing
fiscal year. Since the Tax Collector and Property Appraiser are fee-based, it is not
required for their budgets to be submitted to the BCC at this time. Each
Constitutional Officer will make a brief oral presentation to the BCC relative to their
respective tentative budget. The tentative presentation order will be Supervisor of
Elections Vicky Oakes, followed by the Clerk of Court Cheryl Strickland, followed by
Sheriff David B. Shoar.
Item 1

Officer’s tentative budgets for Fiscal Year 2016. Under F.S. 129.03(2), on or before
June 1 of each year, Constitutional Officers shall submit to the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) a tentative budget for their respective offices for the ensuing
fiscal year. Since the Tax Collector and Property Appraiser are fee-based, it is not
required for their budgets to be submitted to the BCC at this time. Each
Constitutional Officer will make a brief oral presentation to the BCC relative to their
respective tentative budget. The tentative presentation order will be Supervisor of
Elections Vicky Oakes, followed by the Clerk of Court Cheryl Strickland, followed by
Sheriff David B. Shoar.
Item 1A - Cash Report
Item 1A

Item 2 - Public Hearing * CPA (SS) 2015-01 T's Learning Center. This is a request to
amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture (R/S)
to Intensive Commercial (IC) for approximately 2.37 acres of land located at 11300
US 1 North. The subject property is vacant and zoned Commercial Intensive (CI).
The applicant is requesting the amendment to bring the Future Land Use Map into
conformity with the zoning. The IC Future Land Use Map designation is consistent
with the CI zoning. The CI zoning allows highway commercial and high intensity
commercial uses with large offices, institutional and tourist-oriented uses and at this
time, the applicant is proposing a 13,000 square foot day care center and 12,000
square feet of retail commercial. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended
approval with a 7-0 vote at its April 16, 2015 meeting.
Item 2

amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture (R/S)
to Intensive Commercial (IC) for approximately 2.37 acres of land located at 11300
US 1 North. The subject property is vacant and zoned Commercial Intensive (CI).
The applicant is requesting the amendment to bring the Future Land Use Map into
conformity with the zoning. The IC Future Land Use Map designation is consistent
with the CI zoning. The CI zoning allows highway commercial and high intensity
commercial uses with large offices, institutional and tourist-oriented uses and at this
time, the applicant is proposing a 13,000 square foot day care center and 12,000
square feet of retail commercial. The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended
approval with a 7-0 vote at its April 16, 2015 meeting.
Item 3 - Ansbacher Law, P.A Economic Development Grant Agreement. On June 2, 2015
the Board approved request to draft a grant agreement with Ansbacher Law, P.A. The
first annual grant payment would be anticipated during FY 18, with an estimated
annual payout of $12,181. The total estimated value of the incentive is $24,363.
Item 3

the Board approved request to draft a grant agreement with Ansbacher Law, P.A. The
first annual grant payment would be anticipated during FY 18, with an estimated
annual payout of $12,181. The total estimated value of the incentive is $24,363.
Items 4 & 5 - 4. Public Hearing * REZ 2015-05 Moultrie Montessori School (additional land).
This is a public hearing for REZ 2015-05, known as Lots 6, 7,8, 25, 26 & all Lot 27
(ex W 22 feet), Block 10, Santa Rosa Subdivision, a request to rezone property from
Residential, Single-Family (RS-3) to Commercial General (CG). This item has a
companion application for a Special Use (SUPMAJ 2015-02) for a school. Staff
supports the request based on consistency with the Future Land Use designation of
Residential - C and compatibility as support to the existing approved Use of a Private
School. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on June 4, 2015.
District 5
5. Public Hearing * SUPMAJ 2015-02 - Moultrie Montessori - additional land.
Request for Special Use Permit to allow for driveway, stacking lane, green space and
play area in association with an approved Private School, specifically known as Lots
6, 7, 8, 25, 26 & all Lot 27 (ex W 22 feet), Block 10, Santa Rosa Subdivision. This
application is companion to and contingent upon approval of REZ 2015-05 Moultrie
Montessori School. Staff supports the request based on the applicant meeting all
requirements of Section 2.03.17 Special Use criteria as well as any other applicable
Land Development Codes, Building Codes and/or State regulations associated with
the request as submitted. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on June
4, 2015.
Items 4 & 5

This is a public hearing for REZ 2015-05, known as Lots 6, 7,8, 25, 26 & all Lot 27
(ex W 22 feet), Block 10, Santa Rosa Subdivision, a request to rezone property from
Residential, Single-Family (RS-3) to Commercial General (CG). This item has a
companion application for a Special Use (SUPMAJ 2015-02) for a school. Staff
supports the request based on consistency with the Future Land Use designation of
Residential - C and compatibility as support to the existing approved Use of a Private
School. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on June 4, 2015.
District 5
5. Public Hearing * SUPMAJ 2015-02 - Moultrie Montessori - additional land.
Request for Special Use Permit to allow for driveway, stacking lane, green space and
play area in association with an approved Private School, specifically known as Lots
6, 7, 8, 25, 26 & all Lot 27 (ex W 22 feet), Block 10, Santa Rosa Subdivision. This
application is companion to and contingent upon approval of REZ 2015-05 Moultrie
Montessori School. Staff supports the request based on the applicant meeting all
requirements of Section 2.03.17 Special Use criteria as well as any other applicable
Land Development Codes, Building Codes and/or State regulations associated with
the request as submitted. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on June
4, 2015.
Item 6 - Public Hearing * Nine Mile Gang Development Agreement Termination
(DEVAGRMOD 2013-03). The Nine Mile Gang Development Agreement (DEVAGREE
2009-03) was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on July 20, 2010 to
demonstrate financial feasibility for public infrastructure for the Nine Mile Gang
Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA). The request seeks to terminate the
Agreement based on the results of the recent Application for Concurrency
Determination (CONMAJ 2014-19) for the revised plan of development (Bannon
Lakes PUD), consisting of 849 single family units, 150 multi-family units, 105,000
sq. ft. of retail space and 15,000 sq. ft. of office space. The Development Agreement is
proposed to be replaced by a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement (PFS AGREE 2015-
01) to mitigate transportation impacts, a School Concurrency Proportionate Share
Mitigation Agreement to mitigate school impacts, and a separate Utility Agreement to
address the utility infrastructure needs. Two public hearings are required to modify
or terminate a Development Agreement. This is the second of two required public
hearings. The first public hearing was held on June 2, 2015.
Item 6

(DEVAGRMOD 2013-03). The Nine Mile Gang Development Agreement (DEVAGREE
2009-03) was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on July 20, 2010 to
demonstrate financial feasibility for public infrastructure for the Nine Mile Gang
Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPA). The request seeks to terminate the
Agreement based on the results of the recent Application for Concurrency
Determination (CONMAJ 2014-19) for the revised plan of development (Bannon
Lakes PUD), consisting of 849 single family units, 150 multi-family units, 105,000
sq. ft. of retail space and 15,000 sq. ft. of office space. The Development Agreement is
proposed to be replaced by a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement (PFS AGREE 2015-
01) to mitigate transportation impacts, a School Concurrency Proportionate Share
Mitigation Agreement to mitigate school impacts, and a separate Utility Agreement to
address the utility infrastructure needs. Two public hearings are required to modify
or terminate a Development Agreement. This is the second of two required public
hearings. The first public hearing was held on June 2, 2015.
Item 8 - Public Hearing * REZ 2015-06 Dobbs Road Warehouse. This is a request to
rezone property from Industrial Warehouse with conditions (IW) to Industrial
Warehouse (IW) in order to remove the conditions. Staff recommends approval of the
request based on the proposal’s consistency with the Future Land Use designation of
Mixed-Use and compatibility with surrounding properties. Please refer to the Staff
Report for additional details. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on
May 7, 2015 and unanimously recommended approval.
Item 8

rezone property from Industrial Warehouse with conditions (IW) to Industrial
Warehouse (IW) in order to remove the conditions. Staff recommends approval of the
request based on the proposal’s consistency with the Future Land Use designation of
Mixed-Use and compatibility with surrounding properties. Please refer to the Staff
Report for additional details. The Planning and Zoning Agency heard this item on
May 7, 2015 and unanimously recommended approval.
Item 12 - Public Hearing * MAJMOD 2014-17 The Preserve at St Johns. Major
Modification to Woodlands PUD (aka Cimarrone Golf and Country Club) to allow
eighty-six (86) additional single-family residential dwelling units on an undeveloped
parcel. The proposed single-family residential development is functionally
independent of the existing Woodlands PUD, as the applicant is providing a separate
access off of Cartwheel Bay Avenue, as well as independent infrastructure, such as
parks, stormwater, and open space.
Item 12

Modification to Woodlands PUD (aka Cimarrone Golf and Country Club) to allow
eighty-six (86) additional single-family residential dwelling units on an undeveloped
parcel. The proposed single-family residential development is functionally
independent of the existing Woodlands PUD, as the applicant is providing a separate
access off of Cartwheel Bay Avenue, as well as independent infrastructure, such as
parks, stormwater, and open space.
Item 13 - Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2015-01 Wards Creek - Transmittal Hearing. This is
a request to transmit a Comprehensive Plan amendment to amend the Future Land
Use Map from Agricultural-Intensive to Residential-B. The subject property contains
37.19 acres of land and is located off CR 16A. The applicant proposes 67 residential
units. This is the transmittal hearing to allow for state and regional agency review.
The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval at its June 4, 2015 regular
Item 13

a request to transmit a Comprehensive Plan amendment to amend the Future Land
Use Map from Agricultural-Intensive to Residential-B. The subject property contains
37.19 acres of land and is located off CR 16A. The applicant proposes 67 residential
units. This is the transmittal hearing to allow for state and regional agency review.
The Planning and Zoning Agency recommended approval at its June 4, 2015 regular
Item 15 - Public Hearing * LDC Amendments - West Augustine Overlay District. This is
the final adoption hearing in a three part series to consider changes to Article III
“Special Districts” of the Land Development Code by adding a new Part 3.11.00 West
Augustine Overlay District. This amendment series creates a limited commercial
overlay district within the boundaries of the West Augustine Community
Redevelopment Agency boundaries along W. King St., N. Volusia Avenue and North
and South Holmes Bvld. The West Augustine CRA was created in 2001 in an effort
to encourage economic development within the community. In 2004, a Citizens vision
plan was completed known as the “West Augustine Beyond Tomorrow” report. This
Land Development Code amendment implements the vision plan by supporting the
creation of a higher intensity mixed-use community to create jobs, and a range of
housing opportunities, retail, dining, and entertainment uses in a neighborhood
center that is compact and complementary to the surrounding neighborhoods. A
majority of properties along these corridors are zoned only for residential uses and do
not permit commercial or mixed uses except by rezoning to Planned Unit
Development. The proposed commercial overlay district allows commercial and mixed
use development by right along the West King St., N. Volusia Ave., CR 214 and
Holmes Boulevard corridors in an effort to promote economic vitality and
independence within the area. Additionally, new additional uses are proposed to be
implemented within the West Augustine Overlay District. The Planning and Zoning
Agency recommended approval of the new overlay by unanimous vote. The Agency
did recommend that the Ordinance be amended to increase the permitted height
limits from 35' to 45' to promote mixed use developments. The Agency also
recommended that language be clarified to ensure that gas stations can be built
along CR 214, especially at the future intersection of SR 313. Both changes have
been incorporated into the Ordinance for the Board's consideration.
Item 15

the final adoption hearing in a three part series to consider changes to Article III
“Special Districts” of the Land Development Code by adding a new Part 3.11.00 West
Augustine Overlay District. This amendment series creates a limited commercial
overlay district within the boundaries of the West Augustine Community
Redevelopment Agency boundaries along W. King St., N. Volusia Avenue and North
and South Holmes Bvld. The West Augustine CRA was created in 2001 in an effort
to encourage economic development within the community. In 2004, a Citizens vision
plan was completed known as the “West Augustine Beyond Tomorrow” report. This
Land Development Code amendment implements the vision plan by supporting the
creation of a higher intensity mixed-use community to create jobs, and a range of
housing opportunities, retail, dining, and entertainment uses in a neighborhood
center that is compact and complementary to the surrounding neighborhoods. A
majority of properties along these corridors are zoned only for residential uses and do
not permit commercial or mixed uses except by rezoning to Planned Unit
Development. The proposed commercial overlay district allows commercial and mixed
use development by right along the West King St., N. Volusia Ave., CR 214 and
Holmes Boulevard corridors in an effort to promote economic vitality and
independence within the area. Additionally, new additional uses are proposed to be
implemented within the West Augustine Overlay District. The Planning and Zoning
Agency recommended approval of the new overlay by unanimous vote. The Agency
did recommend that the Ordinance be amended to increase the permitted height
limits from 35' to 45' to promote mixed use developments. The Agency also
recommended that language be clarified to ensure that gas stations can be built
along CR 214, especially at the future intersection of SR 313. Both changes have
been incorporated into the Ordinance for the Board's consideration.
Item 9 (Part 1 of 2) - Public Hearing * NZVAR 2015-02 Canopy Oaks. This is a request for a Non-
Zoning Variance to multiple sections of the LDC as follows: 1) 6.02.01.B.3.a (use of
an Easement in a platted subdivision), 2) 6.04.07.B.1 (Easements serving more than
two (2) residential Dwelling Units shall meet all requirements of 6.04.00 (Roadway,
Drainage & Utilities Standards), 3) 6.04.07.B.2.a-b (Easements for access shall be a
minimum 30 feet wide, with a 20-foot minimum stabilized surface), and 4)
6.04.07.A.3 (previously platted Roadways which have not been constructed are
subject to the requirements of 6.04.00. The complete Code citations are included
as Attachment 4 of this report. The applicant is proposing a Habitat for Humanity
development within the West Augustine area utilizing smaller lots that were platted
many years ago. Construction of the roadway to current standards is the catalyst for
several of the requests incorporated within this application.
Item 9 (Part 1 of 2)

Zoning Variance to multiple sections of the LDC as follows: 1) 6.02.01.B.3.a (use of
an Easement in a platted subdivision), 2) 6.04.07.B.1 (Easements serving more than
two (2) residential Dwelling Units shall meet all requirements of 6.04.00 (Roadway,
Drainage & Utilities Standards), 3) 6.04.07.B.2.a-b (Easements for access shall be a
minimum 30 feet wide, with a 20-foot minimum stabilized surface), and 4)
6.04.07.A.3 (previously platted Roadways which have not been constructed are
subject to the requirements of 6.04.00. The complete Code citations are included
as Attachment 4 of this report. The applicant is proposing a Habitat for Humanity
development within the West Augustine area utilizing smaller lots that were platted
many years ago. Construction of the roadway to current standards is the catalyst for
several of the requests incorporated within this application.
Item 16 - Public Hearing * Second reading and enactment of Treasure Beach Canals Slow
Speed, Minimum Wake Boating-Restricted Area Ordinance. The proposed
Treasure Beach Canals Slow Speed, Minimum Wake Boating-Restricted Area
Ordinance had its first reading at the May 19, 2015 Board of County Commissioners
meeting. This public hearing is for a second reading and enactment of the proposed
Item 16

Speed, Minimum Wake Boating-Restricted Area Ordinance. The proposed
Treasure Beach Canals Slow Speed, Minimum Wake Boating-Restricted Area
Ordinance had its first reading at the May 19, 2015 Board of County Commissioners
meeting. This public hearing is for a second reading and enactment of the proposed
Item 17 - Consider an appointment to the Health & Human Services Advisory Council.
There is currently one vacancy on the Health & Human Services Advisory Council
due to a resignation. This position requires appointment of a professional from the
disciplines in the Health & Human Services. Attached for your review and
consideration are four applications (Shannon Nazworth - Dist 5, Holly Doucette -
Dist. 5, Thomas Neilson - Dist 1, and Dr. Norman Plovnick - Dist. 4) and a
recommendation from the Health & Human Services Advisory Council. County
Resolution 2012-344 designates members shall serve a term of two years. The
motion below reflects filling the unexpired term of 6 months plus an additional 2-
year term to ensure that membership remains staggered.
Item 17

There is currently one vacancy on the Health & Human Services Advisory Council
due to a resignation. This position requires appointment of a professional from the
disciplines in the Health & Human Services. Attached for your review and
consideration are four applications (Shannon Nazworth - Dist 5, Holly Doucette -
Dist. 5, Thomas Neilson - Dist 1, and Dr. Norman Plovnick - Dist. 4) and a
recommendation from the Health & Human Services Advisory Council. County
Resolution 2012-344 designates members shall serve a term of two years. The
motion below reflects filling the unexpired term of 6 months plus an additional 2-
year term to ensure that membership remains staggered.
Item 18 - Consider appointments to the Arts, Culture, Heritage Funding Panel. There is
currently one vacancy on the Arts, Culture, Heritage Funding Panel due to a
resignation. This vacancy is for an alternate member with voting privileges only in
the absence of one or more regular members. This alternate member shall be a
resident of St. Johns County with demonstrated interest and knowledge in
tourism/cultural development and promotion.
Item 18

currently one vacancy on the Arts, Culture, Heritage Funding Panel due to a
resignation. This vacancy is for an alternate member with voting privileges only in
the absence of one or more regular members. This alternate member shall be a
resident of St. Johns County with demonstrated interest and knowledge in
tourism/cultural development and promotion.
Items 19 - 21 - 19. Fair Housing Workshop. In conjunction with the 2014 CDBG 2nd Public Hearing, a
Fair Housing Workshop will be conducted by a representative from Fred Fox and
Associates to provide fair housing education for the general public, local elected
officials and professional involved in housing activities.
District 2
20. Public Hearing * 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Second
Public Hearing. The 2014 Community Development Block Grant requires two public
hearings prior to submittal of the application. The first public hearing was held on
the May 19, 2015 BCC meeting. The first public meeting provided an overview of the
goals and objectives of the CDBG program. This 2nd Public Meeting and requires the
County to list the specific projects within the CDBG program. The County’s grant
application will be to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) under
the Neighborhood Revitalization category in the amount of $750,000 under the 2014
Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. As a
requirement of the grant, for each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds
must benefit low and moderate income households.
District 2
21. 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program
Community Development Plan. The 2014 Community Development Block Grant
requires the County to adopt a Community Development Plan. The objectives for the
County’s Development Plan are: LONG TERM OBJECTIVES: 1. To improve the
physical environment of the community to make it more functional, safe, and
efficient and to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood. 2. To promote the public
interest. 3. To inject long range considerations into the determination of short range
decisions. 4. To bring professional and technical knowledge to bear on issues
concerning social, economic, or physical development. 5. To facilitate effective
cooperation and coordination between all concerned with community development. 6.
To identify all available resources for major opportunities and to improve the way of
life for all in the community. SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES: 1.To apply for Community
Development Block Grant funds in the Neighborhood Revitalization category to make
flood and drainage improvements, sewer hookups and street repaving in the West
Augustine Area of St. Johns County. 2. To explore other possible resources for the
purpose of improving the way of life for all citizen's, especially those who live in
deteriorated housing and neighborhoods.
Items 19 - 21

Fair Housing Workshop will be conducted by a representative from Fred Fox and
Associates to provide fair housing education for the general public, local elected
officials and professional involved in housing activities.
District 2
20. Public Hearing * 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Second
Public Hearing. The 2014 Community Development Block Grant requires two public
hearings prior to submittal of the application. The first public hearing was held on
the May 19, 2015 BCC meeting. The first public meeting provided an overview of the
goals and objectives of the CDBG program. This 2nd Public Meeting and requires the
County to list the specific projects within the CDBG program. The County’s grant
application will be to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) under
the Neighborhood Revitalization category in the amount of $750,000 under the 2014
Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. As a
requirement of the grant, for each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds
must benefit low and moderate income households.
District 2
21. 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program
Community Development Plan. The 2014 Community Development Block Grant
requires the County to adopt a Community Development Plan. The objectives for the
County’s Development Plan are: LONG TERM OBJECTIVES: 1. To improve the
physical environment of the community to make it more functional, safe, and
efficient and to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood. 2. To promote the public
interest. 3. To inject long range considerations into the determination of short range
decisions. 4. To bring professional and technical knowledge to bear on issues
concerning social, economic, or physical development. 5. To facilitate effective
cooperation and coordination between all concerned with community development. 6.
To identify all available resources for major opportunities and to improve the way of
life for all in the community. SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES: 1.To apply for Community
Development Block Grant funds in the Neighborhood Revitalization category to make
flood and drainage improvements, sewer hookups and street repaving in the West
Augustine Area of St. Johns County. 2. To explore other possible resources for the
purpose of improving the way of life for all citizen's, especially those who live in
deteriorated housing and neighborhoods.
Item 9 (Part 2 of 2) - Public Hearing * NZVAR 2015-02 Canopy Oaks. This is a request for a Non-
Zoning Variance to multiple sections of the LDC as follows: 1) 6.02.01.B.3.a (use of
an Easement in a platted subdivision), 2) 6.04.07.B.1 (Easements serving more than
two (2) residential Dwelling Units shall meet all requirements of 6.04.00 (Roadway,
Drainage & Utilities Standards), 3) 6.04.07.B.2.a-b (Easements for access shall be a
minimum 30 feet wide, with a 20-foot minimum stabilized surface), and 4)
6.04.07.A.3 (previously platted Roadways which have not been constructed are
subject to the requirements of 6.04.00. The complete Code citations are included
as Attachment 4 of this report. The applicant is proposing a Habitat for Humanity
development within the West Augustine area utilizing smaller lots that were platted
many years ago. Construction of the roadway to current standards is the catalyst for
several of the requests incorporated within this application.
Item 9 (Part 2 of 2)

Zoning Variance to multiple sections of the LDC as follows: 1) 6.02.01.B.3.a (use of
an Easement in a platted subdivision), 2) 6.04.07.B.1 (Easements serving more than
two (2) residential Dwelling Units shall meet all requirements of 6.04.00 (Roadway,
Drainage & Utilities Standards), 3) 6.04.07.B.2.a-b (Easements for access shall be a
minimum 30 feet wide, with a 20-foot minimum stabilized surface), and 4)
6.04.07.A.3 (previously platted Roadways which have not been constructed are
subject to the requirements of 6.04.00. The complete Code citations are included
as Attachment 4 of this report. The applicant is proposing a Habitat for Humanity
development within the West Augustine area utilizing smaller lots that were platted
many years ago. Construction of the roadway to current standards is the catalyst for
several of the requests incorporated within this application.
Reports - - Commissioners’ Reports
- County Administrator’s Report
- County Attorney’s Report
- Clerk of Court’s Report

- County Administrator’s Report
- County Attorney’s Report
- Clerk of Court’s Report
Item 22 (Part 1 of 3) - Time Certain - 6:00 p.m. - Second Reading of the Proposed One-Cent
Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
Item 22 (Part 1 of 3)

Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
Item 22 (Part 2 of 3) - Time Certain - 6:00 p.m. - Second Reading of the Proposed One-Cent
Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
Item 22 (Part 2 of 3)

Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
Item 22 (Part 3 of 3) - Time Certain - 6:00 p.m. - Second Reading of the Proposed One-Cent
Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
Item 22 (Part 3 of 3)

Infrastructure Sales Surtax Ordinance. On May 19, 2015, the Board of County
Commissioners ("Board") directed the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance
providing for a countywide precinct referendum election regarding the levy of a 1%
local government infrastructure sales surtax. The initial draft was presented to the
Board for first reading on June 2, 2015. In sum, the proposed ordinance provides for
the following: (1) levy of a 1% local government infrastructure surtax upon all
authorized taxable transactions occurring within the County (subject to voter
approval); (2) statutory authorization to levy the surtax; (3) a general description of
projects that may be funded by surtax revenues; (4) citizen review of public projects
and surtax revenue expenditures; (5) a call for a countywide special election on
November 3, 2015, seeking voter approval of imposing a 1% surtax; and (6) directions
to the Supervisor of Elections to insure notice of the November 3, 2015 special
election. The County has received the attached letter from the School Board dated
June 9, 2015 requesting inclusion in the one-cent sales tax initiative. The Board
may want to discuss that request during this meeting.
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