April 16, 2019 Board of County Commissioners
Call to Order - Call to Order by Chair
Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order

Roll Call by the Clerk of the Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamation (Part 1 of 2) - Proclamation Recognizing April 14-20, 2019 as National Public Safety
Telecommunications Week
Proclamation (Part 1 of 2)

Telecommunications Week
Recognition - Recognition of Vilano Beach Main Street 2019 Accreditation

Proclamation (Part 2 of 2) - Acceptance of Proclamations
Proclamation (Part 2 of 2)

Public Comment - Public Comment
Public Comment

Consent Agenda - Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda

Approval of Consent Agenda
Regular Agenda - Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Regular Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda
Items 1 & 2 - 1. Public Hearing * CPA (SS) 2018-09 State Road 16 Commercial. Adoption of CPA
(SS) 2018-09 State Road 16 Commercial, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan
from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The property is
located along State Road 16, southeast of Whisper Ridge Drive and northwest of the
Premium Outlets shopping mall.
District 2
2. Public Hearing * PUD 2018-13 State Road 16 Commercial. A request to rezone
approximately 4.95 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD)
to accommodate a 30,100 square foot commercial/office development. This
application is companion to and contingent with CPA(SS) 2018-09. Please see the staff
report for additional details.
Items 1 & 2

(SS) 2018-09 State Road 16 Commercial, a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan
from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The property is
located along State Road 16, southeast of Whisper Ridge Drive and northwest of the
Premium Outlets shopping mall.
District 2
2. Public Hearing * PUD 2018-13 State Road 16 Commercial. A request to rezone
approximately 4.95 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD)
to accommodate a 30,100 square foot commercial/office development. This
application is companion to and contingent with CPA(SS) 2018-09. Please see the staff
report for additional details.
Item 3 - Public Hearing * Discussion Item - Potential amendments to the Land
Development Code. At the direction of the Board of County Commissioners (the
“Board”), staff was asked to analyze several Land Development Code (the “Code”)
provisions, as well as suggest amendments that would either address commonly
occurring waivers or variance requests. Staff also has identified one reformatting
suggestion in an effort to make the Code more “user-friendly” and clear. Staff has
scoped eleven (11) issues in this report, and seeks Board guidance.
Item 3

Development Code. At the direction of the Board of County Commissioners (the
“Board”), staff was asked to analyze several Land Development Code (the “Code”)
provisions, as well as suggest amendments that would either address commonly
occurring waivers or variance requests. Staff also has identified one reformatting
suggestion in an effort to make the Code more “user-friendly” and clear. Staff has
scoped eleven (11) issues in this report, and seeks Board guidance.
Item 4 - Consider appointments to the South Anastasia Design Review Board (DRB).
Currently there are five vacancies on the South Anastasia Design Review Board (4
regular & 1 alternate). Two are due to resignations and three are due to expired terms.
These vacancies have been advertised since November 2018. Only two applications
were received by the deadline of January 25, 2019. Due to quorum requirements, it
is advisable to consider these two applications as soon as possible. Please find
attached for your review the two applications and a recommendation from the South
Anastasia Design Review Board to appoint Charles Delony, who is currently serving
on the DRB as an alternate, as a regular member; and appoint applicant Mercer K
Clarke as a regular member. The additional vacancies are being re-advertised and will
be brought before the Board of County Commissioners at a later date.
Item 4

Currently there are five vacancies on the South Anastasia Design Review Board (4
regular & 1 alternate). Two are due to resignations and three are due to expired terms.
These vacancies have been advertised since November 2018. Only two applications
were received by the deadline of January 25, 2019. Due to quorum requirements, it
is advisable to consider these two applications as soon as possible. Please find
attached for your review the two applications and a recommendation from the South
Anastasia Design Review Board to appoint Charles Delony, who is currently serving
on the DRB as an alternate, as a regular member; and appoint applicant Mercer K
Clarke as a regular member. The additional vacancies are being re-advertised and will
be brought before the Board of County Commissioners at a later date.
Item 5 - Consider adoption of proposed bylaws and initial member appointments to the
Fire Code Board of Appeals. This proposed Resolution creates and adopts bylaws
for the Fire Code Board of Appeals (FCBOA). The FCBOA bylaws were created using
a standardized template pertaining to general board governance. These bylaws do not
override any statutory guidelines, but will include statutory requirements where
available. The creation of these bylaws will house all general operations in one
location; thereby, making the process more efficient for staff and board members to
locate information such as: each board’s mission and purpose; qualifications and
membership requirements; and numerous rules and policies of the Board of County
Commissioners relevant to appointed boards and committees. Per Ordinance 2016-
29, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners ("Board") established the
FCBOA, a seven-member committee with the stated purpose of providing for the
reasonable interpretation of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code and issue
rulings on appeals of decisions of the County Fire Marshal in accordance with the
requirements of St. Johns County Ordinance 2016-29. Additionally, this item seeks
the appointment of the initial members of the FCBOA. The regular term for members
of the FCBOA will be three years. However, to ensure continuity, the initial terms of
the new members are to be staggered per Article II of the bylaws as follows: one (1)
regular member shall be appointed to a 1-year term; three (3) regular members shall
be appointed to 2-year terms; three (3) regular members shall be appointed to 3-year
terms. After the initial term, those initial appointee members who served a term of less
than 3 years would be eligible to serve another 2 consecutive 3-year terms, while those
who had served a 3-year term would be eligible to serve for only 1 additional 3-year
term. It is suggested that the newly appointed members select/draw lots at their first
meeting to determine individual terms. Those terms would be brought back on a
future Consent Agenda for ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. Please
find attached for your review and consideration 7 applications submitted to the
County: Lee Bailey – (Dist. 5), Burton T. Conway – (Dist. 4), Robert Glasgow – (Dist.
2), Kelly Smith – (Dist. 5), Lisa A. Ward – (Dist. 4), Melvin Weisblatt – (Dist. 4), Hastings
Williams – (Dist 4).
Item 5

Fire Code Board of Appeals. This proposed Resolution creates and adopts bylaws
for the Fire Code Board of Appeals (FCBOA). The FCBOA bylaws were created using
a standardized template pertaining to general board governance. These bylaws do not
override any statutory guidelines, but will include statutory requirements where
available. The creation of these bylaws will house all general operations in one
location; thereby, making the process more efficient for staff and board members to
locate information such as: each board’s mission and purpose; qualifications and
membership requirements; and numerous rules and policies of the Board of County
Commissioners relevant to appointed boards and committees. Per Ordinance 2016-
29, the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners ("Board") established the
FCBOA, a seven-member committee with the stated purpose of providing for the
reasonable interpretation of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code and issue
rulings on appeals of decisions of the County Fire Marshal in accordance with the
requirements of St. Johns County Ordinance 2016-29. Additionally, this item seeks
the appointment of the initial members of the FCBOA. The regular term for members
of the FCBOA will be three years. However, to ensure continuity, the initial terms of
the new members are to be staggered per Article II of the bylaws as follows: one (1)
regular member shall be appointed to a 1-year term; three (3) regular members shall
be appointed to 2-year terms; three (3) regular members shall be appointed to 3-year
terms. After the initial term, those initial appointee members who served a term of less
than 3 years would be eligible to serve another 2 consecutive 3-year terms, while those
who had served a 3-year term would be eligible to serve for only 1 additional 3-year
term. It is suggested that the newly appointed members select/draw lots at their first
meeting to determine individual terms. Those terms would be brought back on a
future Consent Agenda for ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. Please
find attached for your review and consideration 7 applications submitted to the
County: Lee Bailey – (Dist. 5), Burton T. Conway – (Dist. 4), Robert Glasgow – (Dist.
2), Kelly Smith – (Dist. 5), Lisa A. Ward – (Dist. 4), Melvin Weisblatt – (Dist. 4), Hastings
Williams – (Dist 4).
Item 6 - Proposed Settlement of Ponte Vedra Corporation Litigation. In September 2016,
Ponte Vedra Corporation ("PVC") filed suit against St. Johns County regarding the
proposed rezoning of a parcel of land PVC owns at the end of Neck Road in St. Johns
County commonly referred to as the "Outpost." The County Attorney has managed the
County's defense in the litigation. In order to resolve the dispute, PVC and staff have
proposed to dismiss the litigation without prejudice and for PVC to submit an
application to change the land use designation for the property. The application would
be processed by staff and subsequently reviewed by the Board for transmittal and, if
transmitted, for adoption, in conjunction with the pending rezoning application. The
Board retains ultimate authority to approve or deny transmittal or adoption of the
land use application and to approve or deny the rezoning application. In the event the
land use change and rezoning applications are approved, the litigation would be
dismissed with prejudice. The complete language can be found in the attached
Settlement Agreement. The relevant departments have been consulted and reviewed
the proposed settlement. The County Attorney is prepared to continue defending the
litigation, but if the Board directs approval, recommends that the Settlement
Agreement would serve the public interest.
Item 6

Ponte Vedra Corporation ("PVC") filed suit against St. Johns County regarding the
proposed rezoning of a parcel of land PVC owns at the end of Neck Road in St. Johns
County commonly referred to as the "Outpost." The County Attorney has managed the
County's defense in the litigation. In order to resolve the dispute, PVC and staff have
proposed to dismiss the litigation without prejudice and for PVC to submit an
application to change the land use designation for the property. The application would
be processed by staff and subsequently reviewed by the Board for transmittal and, if
transmitted, for adoption, in conjunction with the pending rezoning application. The
Board retains ultimate authority to approve or deny transmittal or adoption of the
land use application and to approve or deny the rezoning application. In the event the
land use change and rezoning applications are approved, the litigation would be
dismissed with prejudice. The complete language can be found in the attached
Settlement Agreement. The relevant departments have been consulted and reviewed
the proposed settlement. The County Attorney is prepared to continue defending the
litigation, but if the Board directs approval, recommends that the Settlement
Agreement would serve the public interest.
Reports - Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report

County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Clerk of Court’s Report
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