March 18, 2021 Planning and Zoning Agency
Call to Order - Call meeting to order.
Reading of Script for Regular Meeting including Remote Public Participation by Chair.
Reading of the Public Notice statement by Vice-Chair.
Call to Order

Reading of Script for Regular Meeting including Remote Public Participation by Chair.
Reading of the Public Notice statement by Vice-Chair.
Approval of Minutes - Approval of meeting minutes for PZA 2/4/21 and PZA 3/4/21.
Approval of Minutes

Public Comments - Public Comments
Public Comments

Item 1 - AGENCY ITEMS (Agenda)
Presenter - Kerry Traveria
Staff - Marie E. Colee, Assistant Program Manager
District 4
SUPMIN 2020-06 Swim Well Babies, LLC Lessons. Request for a Special Use Permit to allow a Home
Occupation to provide private swimming lessons in Residential, Single Family (RS-3) zoning, pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.07, specifically located at 319 North Roscoe Blvd.
Item 1

Presenter - Kerry Traveria
Staff - Marie E. Colee, Assistant Program Manager
District 4
SUPMIN 2020-06 Swim Well Babies, LLC Lessons. Request for a Special Use Permit to allow a Home
Occupation to provide private swimming lessons in Residential, Single Family (RS-3) zoning, pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.07, specifically located at 319 North Roscoe Blvd.
Item 2 - Presenter - Kevin Partel
Staff - Saleena Randolph, Planner
District 5
ZVAR 2020-33 Thompson Residence (144100-0000). Request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development
Code Table 6.01 to allow a Front Yard setback of fifteen (15) feet in lieu of the twenty (20) foot Building Restriction Line requirement to accommodate a single family residence, specifically located at 2797 South Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
Item 2

Staff - Saleena Randolph, Planner
District 5
ZVAR 2020-33 Thompson Residence (144100-0000). Request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development
Code Table 6.01 to allow a Front Yard setback of fifteen (15) feet in lieu of the twenty (20) foot Building Restriction Line requirement to accommodate a single family residence, specifically located at 2797 South Ponte Vedra Boulevard.
Item 3 - ZVAR 2021-01 32 Preserve Island Circle Renovation. Request for a Zoning Variance to Land Development
Code Table 6.01 to allow for a 40% Building Coverage in lieu of the 35% Maximum Lot Coverage by All Buildings requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-3) zoning to accommodate an addition and bring the existing single
family home into compliance, specifically located at 32 Preserve Island Circle.
Presenter - Thomas O. Ingram, Esq.
Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
Item 3

Code Table 6.01 to allow for a 40% Building Coverage in lieu of the 35% Maximum Lot Coverage by All Buildings requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-3) zoning to accommodate an addition and bring the existing single
family home into compliance, specifically located at 32 Preserve Island Circle.
Presenter - Thomas O. Ingram, Esq.
Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
Items 4 & 5 - Presenter - Thomas O. Ingram, Esq.
Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
4. DRI MOD 2020-04 St. Augustine Centre. Request to amend the St. Augustine Centre DRI to eliminate Phase
3B and its remaining transportation mitigation requirements, move 300,000 square feet of allowed Light Industrial uses to Phase 3A, revise the Master Development Plan (Map H) to incorporate the Isolated Uplands area into Area H, and extend phasing and build out dates.
Presenter - Thomas O. Ingram, Esq.
Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
5. MAJMOD 2020-17 St. Augustine Centre (Area H). Request for a Major Modification to the St. Augustine Centre PUD (Ordinance 1997-23, as amended) to incorporate the area known as the "Isolated Uplands" into a
development tract referred to as "Area H" on the Master Development Plan, amend buffering requirements along the eastern property boundary in the vicinity of the northerly terminus of Inman Road, eliminate the requirement for a six (6) foot visual screen along the east perimeter landscape
Items 4 & 5

Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
4. DRI MOD 2020-04 St. Augustine Centre. Request to amend the St. Augustine Centre DRI to eliminate Phase
3B and its remaining transportation mitigation requirements, move 300,000 square feet of allowed Light Industrial uses to Phase 3A, revise the Master Development Plan (Map H) to incorporate the Isolated Uplands area into Area H, and extend phasing and build out dates.
Presenter - Thomas O. Ingram, Esq.
Staff - Justin Kelly, Senior Planner
District 5
5. MAJMOD 2020-17 St. Augustine Centre (Area H). Request for a Major Modification to the St. Augustine Centre PUD (Ordinance 1997-23, as amended) to incorporate the area known as the "Isolated Uplands" into a
development tract referred to as "Area H" on the Master Development Plan, amend buffering requirements along the eastern property boundary in the vicinity of the northerly terminus of Inman Road, eliminate the requirement for a six (6) foot visual screen along the east perimeter landscape
Item 6 - Presenter - Douglas N. Burnett, St. Johns Law Group
Staff - Valerie Stukes, Senior Planner
District 1
CPA (SS) 2020-01 Danforth Property. A request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change
the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 7 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Community Commercial (CC), specifically located at 5720 County Road 210 West.
Item 6

Staff - Valerie Stukes, Senior Planner
District 1
CPA (SS) 2020-01 Danforth Property. A request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change
the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 7 acres of land from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to
Community Commercial (CC), specifically located at 5720 County Road 210 West.
Item 7 - Presenter - Lois Masters Brubaker, Applicant
Staff - Valerie Stukes, Senior Planner
District 2
CPA (SS) 2020-06 5960/5956 Don Manuel Road. Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
to change the Future Land Use designation of approximately 5.0 acres of land from Agriculture (A/I) to Residential-A (Res-A), specifically located at 5960 and 5956 Don Manuel Road.
Item 7

Staff - Valerie Stukes, Senior Planner
District 2
CPA (SS) 2020-06 5960/5956 Don Manuel Road. Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
to change the Future Land Use designation of approximately 5.0 acres of land from Agriculture (A/I) to Residential-A (Res-A), specifically located at 5960 and 5956 Don Manuel Road.
Item 8 - Presenter - Douglas N. Burnett, St. Johns Law Group
Staff - Teresa Bishop, AICP, Planning Division Manager
District 5
PUD 2020-01 Fatemi Rezoning. Request to rezone approximately two acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to
Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for 12,000 square feet of commercial/retail and/or professional uses, located at 2590 and 2560 SR 16.
Meeting Adjourned
Item 8

Staff - Teresa Bishop, AICP, Planning Division Manager
District 5
PUD 2020-01 Fatemi Rezoning. Request to rezone approximately two acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to
Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for 12,000 square feet of commercial/retail and/or professional uses, located at 2590 and 2560 SR 16.
Meeting Adjourned
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